A Elements Behavioral Health Guide to Drug Rehab
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Drug Rehab Information
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When you finally make that important choice to get help for your addiction you are ready to start healing. Does this mean you should run straight to the first rehab program you find and dive in without thinking or planning? You might be tempted to just get it over with and get started, but if you want to make the most of your experience, and get the best care possible, take some time to plan. With appropriate steps and a little research, you can make sure you are getting the best help possible.

What To Look For In Treatment Programs

How To Get The Best Addiction Care - Drug Rehab USThe first thing to consider when you need help for your addiction is getting all the information. You may get lucky if you go with the first program you hear about. But you are more likely to have a positive experience if you take the time to research your options and to select the program that makes the most sense for your needs.

You also want to look for high-quality programs. Look for accreditation and licensing. Ask about treatment methods and whether those the program uses are backed by evidence. Finally, make sure any program you choose has an aftercare program. This is crucial to long-term success.

Covering the basics is important. Next you need to consider variations in programs and which type best suits you. There are residential programs, which are a good choice if you think you need to be monitored around the clock.

You may also choose an intensive outpatient program. This allows you to stay at home and may work for you if you have a strong support system living with you. Outpatient programs are also a good option if you need to keep going to work every day. You should be able to find a program that fits in around your work hours. Whichever type of program you choose, make sure that you will receive a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Make The Most Of Your Rehab Experience

Once you have entered your rehab facility or outpatient program, the real work begins. You now have an important opportunity to work toward sobriety that can last for the rest of your life. To get the best care, make the most of your experience. This means starting with a positive attitude. This is a difficult period of your life, but your attitude can make all the difference. While maintaining a positive attitude is important, you should also make sure your expectations are realistic and your goals attainable. Don’t go into treatment thinking you will come out cured. That is not the point of rehab.

Being in rehab can be a big adjustment. You will have rules and boundaries and make sure you follow them. They are in place for your safety and that of your peers. Follow the rules with a good attitude. As you go through counseling and group support, remember to remain open. Be open to the experience and to hearing what others have to say. If you remain closed off because of embarrassment or shame, you will not get the most out of your sessions.

Finally, cultivate persistence. Making it through rehab or outpatient care requires strength and patience. Getting sober and staying sober aren’t easy tasks. You will face challenges every day for the rest of your life. Never give up, even if you sometimes slide backwards. Persist in the face of your addiction and find the strength to keep going while in rehab and when you have made it to the other side.

Choose The Right Rehab For Yourself Or A Loved One

Overcoming addiction is one of the biggest challenges that many people face. With dedication, support and the treatment administered by caring professionals in a rehab facility, all addicts have the ability to get clean and to learn to stay sober over the long term. Going through a successful drug rehab program takes effort on the part of the caregivers and the addict. If you are considering getting into rehab to treat your addiction, make the most of it in order to be successful.

How To Make The Most Out Of Rehab - What Happens In Rehab-DrugRehab.usWhat Happens In Drug Rehab?

Start by learning what will happen when you enter a rehab facility. By being prepared ahead of time, you will give yourself a head start in the process of getting well. As you search for a facility for your care, hopefully with the support of a loved one, ask questions about what will happen when you enter treatment. Most likely you can expect to go through a detox and then get one-on-one counseling as well as participate in group therapy and support sessions. Beyond these basics, different facilities may use different activities and will operate based on different philosophies. Find out what those are before you start your treatment program.

Maintain A Positive Attitude While In Rehab

Going through rehab will be hard work. At times it will feel like you are failing, but when you keep your attitude positive, you will be more likely to succeed. Enter the process understanding that there will be ups and downs, but prepared to work hard for your sobriety and your healing. Remember that the first part, your detox, will be the hardest part, but that it will get easier from there. What happens during detox is that the drugs and alcohol leave your body and you feel sick as a result. When the withdrawal symptoms fade, you will be feeling better and ready to make it through your treatment.

Keep Up A Support System After Leaving Rehab

Having a support system is one of the best ways to ensure your success at getting and staying sober. No one can do this alone, and, once you leave treatment, your professional caregivers will no longer be there for you every day. Make sure you have at least one or two friends or family members willing to support you through this process. Involve these people as much as you can during rehab. If they are allowed to visit or participate, encourage them to do so. Words of encouragement for someone in rehab can make a world of difference, as can the support of loved ones afterward.

Drug rehab success rates statistics tell us that most addicts will relapse at some point after treatment. This does not mean that rehab was a failure, but it may mean that you need a tune up. Sometimes, making the most of the process means going back to try again and to get more help. Just remember to stay positive, to keep your support system around you and to not get discouraged by a small setback.

Learn More About Repairing Broken Relationships While In Rehab – Is Rehab The Time To Fix Relationships Or Just Yourself?

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A successful drug rehab program is one that reaches out to all kinds of people who need help and that provides those people with the skills they need to stay sober outside of the program. There are plenty of wonderful rehab facilities operating today, but who is getting help? Statistics can give us a lot of information about who is going to rehab and getting much-needed treatment.

What Can Be Treated In Rehab?

Rehab Stats and Info - Rehab Information - DrugRehab.usWhat happens in rehab depends on the type of addiction being treated, the age and experience of the patient and many other individualized factors. Information from surveys and research tell us that the majority of patients seeking help in rehab facilities are struggling with alcoholism or problem drinking. Nearly one-quarter of all admissions to rehab are people with an alcohol problem only.

A further 18 percent need treatment for alcohol addiction and abuse of another substance. Seventeen percent of people getting help are struggling with marijuana dependence, 14 percent need help for heroin addiction, and about 6 percent are battling addiction to non-heroin opioid drugs, most commonly prescription painkillers.

What Types Of People Seek Help?

Addiction is not a disease that targets one kind of person. Over 23 million people need to get treatment for addiction every year in the U.S. Among that population, 60 percent of people seeking help are white. Twenty percent of people in rehab are African American, 14 percent are Hispanic and 6 percent are Native American or Asian.

People seeking treatment for addiction may be any age, although the majority of admissions are people between the ages of 25 and 29. The next most likely age for those seeking treatment is between 20 and 24, followed by 40 to 44, with numbers dropping off quickly after age 60. Although the makeup of people getting care for addiction is varied, access is still not perfect and not everyone who needs help is getting it.

Is Rehab Successful?

Drug rehab is successful for many people, but it is important to remember that addiction is a chronic illness and has no cure. Drug rehab success rate statistics refer to the ability of programs to set addicts on the path to long-term sobriety. Relapse is not considered failure, as most addicts can expect to give in to cravings at least once. In fact, statistics show that rates of relapse for addicts seeking treatment are similar to those for other chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Words of encouragement for someone in rehab can go a long way toward helping him or her achieve successful sobriety. If you have someone in your life struggling to make it through rehab, lend your support, your words of inspiration and your time in order to help him or her along the path to long-term success.

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The 12 Steps have long been a key element of addiction treatment and recovery. For decades, the majority of treatment programs have used the 12 Steps, while addicts in recovery have attended AA and other 12-Step meetings in order to maintain sobriety. These programs have come under a great deal of scrutiny with some people singing their praises and others discounting them and even calling them dangerous. If you are facing addiction and want to get or stay sober, should you consider joining a 12-Step support group? Do they actually work?

Criticism Of The 12 Steps

Do 12-Step Programs Work | Information On 12-Step GroupsThere are many who criticize these kinds of programs, including AA, but also any organization that uses the 12-Step philosophy. Addiction experts don’t all agree, but those who do not like the 12-Step philosophy have several arguments. One is that it requires you to admit to being powerless in the face of your addiction. Some would say that the statement is not only false, but also counter-productive. If you are helpless and can’t exert power over your addiction, how can you possibly get better? Others claim that the statistics simply show 12-Step programs don’t work for most people. Success rates have been measured as low as 10 percent.

More serious criticisms come from members who have had bad experiences. Some claim that these support groups are gathering grounds for people with violent tendencies or for predators looking for weak victims. There certainly have been terrible incidents involving addiction support groups. One reason for this is that criminal offenders are often forced to attend meetings as a part of sentencing.

How The 12 Steps Can Help

While there are critics, there are also supporters of 12-Step programs and those who praise the effectiveness of such groups. In fact, recent research has shown that recovering addicts who are deeply involved in a 12-Step group are more likely to avoid relapsing. The study compared recovering addicts leaving treatment and going into a sober living house, a 12-Step program, or simply going home. Those who went to a 12-Step group and really got involved in it were nearly three times more likely to abstain than those who did not. Participants in sober living were the most successful.

One of the most important aspects of the findings is the comparison between the different levels of participation in a 12-Step group. The researchers looked at those who met all criteria for active involvement as well as those who did not. The former were people who engaged in service work, made use of a sponsor, read group literature and called other group members for support. These people were more successful at abstaining than those who simply attended meetings, but didn’t get more involved. The study extended two years beyond treatment and found the same results throughout the two-year period.

The results of the study clearly show that a 12-Step program can help you stay sober if you take the right steps. First, you need to have already completed an addiction treatment program. Simply relying on a 12-Step group to get you sober is not enough. Once you have completed treatment, a 12-Step program can help you stay sober, but only if you get involved. Throw yourself headlong into the support, reach out to others, help others and you can reap the benefits of this decades-long philosophy of sobriety. Join half-heartedly and you may not get all the benefits. The 12-Steps can help you, but you have to do it right.

Find Out If Methadone Users Can Participate In A 12-Step Program

Contact Us Now For More Information On 12-Step Programs! Freedom From Addiction Is Possible!

Going to rehab for drug addiction is a daunting challenge. You have to face up to your addiction, entrust others with your care and get ready to face the future without drugs or alcohol. With such big and scary steps to take, the last thing you need is to be afraid of what happens in drug rehab. When you know what to expect and what you are facing, the whole experience will be less frightening and you can devote your energy to healing and getting sober.

What Is The First Step In Rehab?

What Are The Steps Of Drug RehabThe first thing you can expect to go through, no matter what kind of drug rehab you choose, is detox. If you are wondering what happens during detox, you are not alone. Many addicts find this to be the most frightening aspect of getting clean. It’s possible that the program you choose will expect you to go through detox before entering, but most offer detox services. To detox means taking the couple/few days necessary to stop using substances and wait while the last of them leave your body. You can expect to feel withdrawal symptoms during this process, including anxiety, irritability, fatigue, headaches, nausea and insomnia. However, many detox programs offer more comfortable medicated or holistic detox options.

What Happens During A Drug Rehab Intake?

Once you have detoxed, whether at your chosen facility or at a specialized detox center, you will go through intake at your rehab program. This involves being assessed by the professionals working in the facility, including a doctor or nurse, a therapist or psychiatrist, and other addiction specialists. You will also be expected to go through some paperwork. If you feel uncomfortable filling out and signing forms in your current state, ask if you can bring a trusted friend or family member along to help.

During this initial period you will also begin to shape your treatment plan. If you have chosen a successful drug rehab, you can expect to have a plan individualized for your specific needs. It will be based on the assessment done during your intake, as well as on your own input and should be approved by a doctor or nurse who will go over it with you. Your plan may change as you go through treatment and your needs change.

What Do You Do In Drug Rehab?

Once you have a treatment plan in hand and you have successfully detoxed, you will begin your treatment. The implementation of your treatment plan makes up the bulk of your experience in rehab. Make sure it is explained to you in advance, and don’t hesitate to ask questions about it so that you know what to expect. You will likely participate in daily counseling sessions. Some will be with just you and your therapist, while others will be group sessions in which you will be asked to open up with your fellow addicts in recovery.

You may also engage in recreational activities and educational workshops. These will be strictly scheduled so that you are always doing something and so that your downtime is kept to a minimum. This does not mean that you will never be alone or allowed to reflect, just that your time in rehab will be busy and engaging.

Direction For Your Continuing Recovery

Finally, as your time in rehab is nearing an end, you can expect to work with your therapist or other experts at the rehab facility to plan your future. The caring professionals with whom you have been working will not simply send you out the door hoping for the best. They will help guide you toward a future that is full of life and free of addiction.



Promises Austin is a luxury rehab center just outside Austin, Texas that treats men and women ages 26 and older who are looking for the most advanced and effective treatment available for addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. We are able to provide extraordinary personal attention and a superior staff-to-client ratio because we treat a maximum of 24 clients at a time.

Located on a private, nine-acre estate nestled in the scenic Texas Hill Country, Promises Austin is a Joint Commission-accredited luxury rehab. Our programs are comprehensive, customized, evidence-based and effective, encompassing everything from medical detox to 35- and 60-day addiction treatment programs. We provide personalized treatment plans that are designed to address our clients’ physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.

At Promises Austin, we recognize that depression, anxiety, trauma and other mental health issues often accompany substance abuse. Our team of experienced counselors, a physician, and 24-hour nursing staff addresses these underlying issues during rehab.

Luxury Texas Rehab | Addiction Treatment Program | Promises Austin

Unique Addiction Treatment Programs

What can you expect during your stay at Promises Austin? Our approach includes more than a dozen holistic and traditional therapies merged into one luxury rehab experience. Our goal is to help you heal. Our addiction treatment programs offer a variety of therapies including:

  • Acupuncture
  • Aqua Therapy
  • Drum Circles
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Integrative Breathwork
  • Expressive Art Therapy
  • Labyrinth
  • Massage Therapy
  • Medicine Wheel
  • Personal Training
  • Psychodrama
  • Recreation Therapy
  • Yoga

When you come to Promises Austin, you enter a luxury rehab center that is part of the Promises nationwide family of addiction treatment facilities. This means that each and every client receives Promises excellence – our promise to you.

After you leave Promises Austin, having completed your personalized addiction treatment program here in Texas, you’re not thrust out into the world with no resources. Our goal is to help you achieve lifelong sobriety. To that end, we provide one year of recovery coaching with your primary therapist so that clients who have completed the Promises Austin residential addiction treatment program may return for additional support as needed within the first year – at no cost.

Discover what it truly means to heal out here in Texas, call us today and begin your journey to recovery and freedom from addiction!

Addiction is a mental health issue that is best treated by a team of professionals, including a psychiatrist who specializes in addiction. This is not the type of disorder that can be adequately addressed by a family doctor or general practitioner and very few active addicts can successfully treat themselves. Drug rehab centers have been set up all over the country to deal with addiction-related disorders.

Certain individuals (especially those who have access to addictive medications, routinely witness other people’s trauma, or have high-stress professions) are incredibly vulnerable to addiction disorders and may require even more specialized addiction treatment than members of the general population.

Doctors Reluctant To Enter Treatment

Drug Rehab Treatment For Doctors | Physician Addiction TreatmentOne such subset are physicians who have become addicted to drugs or alcohol and need to enter a drug rehab facility to recover, either voluntarily or at the request of an employer or licensing body. However, since the mere disclosure of the existence of the disorder can mean the end of a doctor’s career, physicians are often reluctant to participate in mainstream addiction treatment programs where anonymity is not assured and significant periods of time off work is required.

However, when addressing the fact that disclosing an addiction problem can threaten a physician’s professional career and reputation, one must weigh the potential fallout against the potential harm suffered by a patient who is being treated by someone under the influence, in withdrawal or just hung over. Keeping in mind the doctor’s oath to “first, do no harm”, the necessity to seek professional treatment for a drug or alcohol problem is obvious. Professional treatment programs can help physicians get the help they need while minimizing damage to ongoing careers.

Specialized healthcare for doctors as patients is not a new concept. Over the past few decades, states have sponsored their own physician health programs with the goal of encouraging doctors to seek treatment for issues that, in the absence of assured privacy, they would tend to keep hidden.  Addiction has been, and continues to be, one such disorder, where the professional stigma attached to entering drug rehab can follow a doctor even after recovery.

Physician Addiction Treatment Steps

The hallmark of any good physician health program will be an addiction treatment plan completely individualized to meet each doctor’s treatment goals in a way that best assures confidentiality and minimizes career disruption. During the initial evaluation, intake professionals at the physician health program will evaluate not only the level of drug or alcohol addiction, but also screen for co-occurring addictive behaviors and other mental health disorders.

There will often be a team of highly qualified addiction professionals working together to help the physician achieve lasting sobriety and, in some cases, may communicate with professional monitoring agencies when treatment has been mandated by a licensing body.

Support For Family And Staying Sober

In addition, support for partners, spouses, and children will be offered through specialized family programs. After initial recovery, the physician treatment center may offer continuing care to help the doctor maintain sobriety even after he returns to his job. This is especially important when the presence of triggers, such as medications, stress and patient trauma, will continue to be an everyday occurrence.

The most important aspect of physician treatment programs, however, is that they work. When matched with an appropriate drug rehab, doctors can get and stay sober even when their careers require them to be in the presence of powerful triggers on a daily basis. Recent research surrounding professional addiction treatment for doctors shows that this specialized type of care can dramatically reduce the rate of relapse after initial sobriety (as low as 3%) and help save careers. In fact, over 95% of participants in physician health programs successfully return to work. In comparison, the US population suffers a staggering 50% relapse rate.

Many state legislatures have enacted laws to make it easier for them to establish a prescription database to track drug abuse. These programs are often put in place to assist law enforcement in cracking down on illegal activity such as producing methamphetamine. Clandestine laboratories rely on large amounts of cold medicine to produce their dangerous substances that wreck lives. Most of that activity has been squelched by drug monitoring programs; another advantage to these programs affects more than just law enforcement.

The monitoring programs also help point the way to users who are likely abusing a prescription drug, which can lead interventions that are potentially life saving. These programs, which are now up and running in 44 states, have proven to be an invaluable tool for healthcare providers. They are now able to legally monitor the frequency of prescription drug use among their patients. The drugs being monitored include opioids, amphetamines and sedatives. But laws vary per state and only eight states currently require providers to participate in the monitoring programs.

Drug Monitoring Systems

What is certain is that the states that do allow a monitoring program have less of a problem with the current epidemic of pain killer abuse in this country. While not much is known about how the monitoring programs are affecting the way doctors prescribe their drugs, one study done in Ohio shows that more than 40 percent of emergency room doctors who had access to their patient’s prescription drug history made different prescription decisions based on the data from the monitoring program.

Almost all physicians are pressed for time, which means their ability to thoroughly study the data available to them is hampered. Furthermore, the amount of resources available to healthcare professionals to fully interpret the data providing by monitoring programs is also in short supply, limiting the impact that the data could have on the health of patients across the nation.

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We Understand Your Confusion

What type of drug rehab is right for me? Will my loved one stay in treatment long enough to get the benefits of rehab? Will my insurance cover drug rehab?

You have questions. We have answers.

Take some time to review DrugRehab.us and learn about your treatment options. If at any time you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or confused, please pick up the phone. Our expert advisers are here to help.

Whether you decide on an outpatient drug treatment program or an inpatient residential drug rehab, you are making a choice to move forward with your life. You are choosing to reclaim your life from drugs and alcohol.