Focus on a Growing Addiction to Adderall
If you have ever sat down to study for a test or needed to concentrate on a task for an extended amount of time and just cannot seem to keep your focus, you’re not alone. This problem has led students as young as middle school to turn to a drug to assist.
According to an article out of the state of Washington, Adderall continues to be the drug of choice for students seeking an answer to concentration and a way to stay awake for hours. Adderall is commonly used as a prescription for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
Any drug used out of its intended purpose can be dangerous. Medical professionals caution that there may be added health issues, such as heart attack or seizures, if a person uses a drug outside its scope. Authorities urge parents and school officials to educate students on such dangers.
Young adults are not just using the drug for themselves. They have found that it can also be used as a source of revenue for them. Their friends or acquaintances are buying the pills from them to experience the effects as well.
It is not uncommon for one student to receive a legal prescription from a doctor for the pills, then turn around and sell them for profit. The teens know this type of prescription drug is a hot commodity among their peers.
Knowing there is an increasing demand to abuse Adderall and other similar drugs, parents need to make sure they keep their own prescriptions under lock and key. The temptation and ease of obtaining these drugs needs to be removed as much as humanly possible.
Doctors writing these prescriptions also need to be aware of the abuse outside the recommended purpose and do a thorough examination of the person before readily handing it out for a medical need, that can be abused and in turn extremely harmful to the taker.