13 Nov 2012
Continuing Recovery After Drug Rehab
Completing drug rehab is a tremendous accomplishment. Yet the day that formal rehab treatment concludes is not the day that addiction is forever in the past and recovery has a solid foothold in the future. In fact, while rehab represents perhaps the largest step an individual will take on their journey of recovery, it is actually only a first step. Addiction experts are in agreement in urging participation in aftercare programs in order to find lasting recovery and the greatest chance for success.
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Although it’s classed as a Schedule I drug in the United States, with a “high potential for abuse” and “no currently accepted medical use,” many American addicts go to underground clinics or other countries to receive ibogaine treatment for addiction. The substance is an alkaloid, extracted from the iboga root which grows in West Africa. The root has been used by the Bwiti believers for centuries, and has recently been used to combat addiction in high doses. Not only is ibogaine a psychoactive drug, there have also been 12 reported deaths of people using it for addiction. Despite this, several research projects are underway and people still seek it out as treatment.
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09 Nov 2012
Drug Use: Witnessing the Adverse Affects
When children are growing up, their grade schools and high schools attempt to deter drug use. The anti-drug committees collaborate, in many schools, to create a presentation outlining the effects of long-term drug use by showing a few intimidating videos of someone overdosing in an attempt scare the urge to try drugs right out of us. Our parents warned against drugs, compelling us to focus on school and disregard invitations for drugs use, as it would inevitably lead us to destroy our plotted futures. On some children, this works. On some children, the urge to experiment with substances has been frightened out of them and they continue their lives on a straight and narrow path. Unfortunately, with skyrocketing statistics reporting drug use in the United States, warnings just aren’t enough for hundreds of thousands of people. The truth is, for those of us who received our thrills by disobeying authority, these talks only intrigued us to explore drugs.
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07 Nov 2012
Getting Rid of Mental Health Stigma
Mental health issues are an integral part of overall health. Mental health problems are not limited to any particular age category, racial group or geographical location. Mental illness affects all people everywhere.
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In the past, parents may have worried that their teen was abusing alcohol or hard street drugs, but today’s parents need to be alert to the dangers of doctor-prescribed pharmaceuticals. And rather than imagining what sort of nefarious characters might be selling their child dangerous substances, parents need only take a look in the mirror. The problem of prescription drug abuse, particularly opioid painkillers like OxyContin and Vicodin, is huge in our country and American youth have been sucked in right along with adults and seniors.
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Many individuals try cannabis and soon develop dependence. However, as with many substances, some individuals are able to use the drug without developing an abuse problem. The increased vulnerability of some when it comes to drug use is tied to various factors, both biological and environmental.
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27 Oct 2012
Addicted to Sleeping Pills
British news reports say that as many as one third of citizens there feel that they are struggling with insomnia. Half of that number uses a prescription sleep aid to help them, but they are using them without their doctor’s knowledge. And14 percent of that group used them for at least six months. The problem of sleeping pill abuse is also a concern here in the U.S.
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Moviegoers and fans of former Hollywood bad boy Colin Farrell may be somewhat surprised to see a different side of the actor apart from his trademark shaggy eyebrows and thick Irish brogue.